Canterbury Cathedral

An interim upgrade of AV facilities at Canterbury Cathedral, one of the oldest and most famous Christian structures in England, has improved audio coverage for those attending services following the installation of a new multi-zoned sound system and induction loop, together with extensive high definition cameras designed to enable premium quality webcasting.

Column loudspeakers cover the the Nave while discreetly installed loudspeakers address the Quire and Presbytery. A touch screen control system enables selection of loudspeaker zones, microphone switching, selection of radio microphones, control of the CD recorder/players, selection of the induction loop hearing system, control of the music microphones and all volume levels. The touch screens are located in the Nave and Quire. Thirteen HD remote pan-tilt-zoom cameras have been installed along with control equipment providing a webcast system for the cathedral, operable via a simple to use touch screen or standard vision mixer and camera control unit. A background music system was also designed and installed in the new Cathedral shop.

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